Thursday, March 18, 2010

Breast Reduction Surgery

If you've got disproportionately large breasts that are causing neck pain, back pain, or other physical symptoms, you may want to consider breast reduction surgery.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 88,732 women had breast reduction surgery in 2008. The procedure carries tremendous psychological effects and most women who undergo breast reduction are very satisfied with the results.

It is also important to note that this surgery isn't just for women, either. Men who have conditions such as gynecomastia (where male breasts are enlarged abnormally) also may seek a breast reduction.

Your Consultation About Breast Reduction Surgery

Before getting breast reduction surgery, you will go in for a consultation, during which time your surgeon will take a detailed medical history, including whether or not you've ever had a lump removed from your breast or any other medical conditions affecting your breasts. He or she also will take a detailed family history. You should be in good physical and mental shape in order to undergo this surgery.

It's important that you are completely honest during this consultation. That includes being completely open with your medical history. It also means being very open as to why you're seeking a breast reduction. You should expect to discuss the emotional issues you've dealt with; that is, how have you felt dealing with your breast size? How has it made you feel, physically? What types of physical conditions have you experienced?

Your surgeon may take photos of your breasts and measure them. During this time, he or she also will discuss how much breast tissue should be removed to achieve the desired results. You also will learn about how to prepare for the surgery and how to plan for your recovery. Your surgeon may prepare you for this procedure by performing a mammogram and breast exam.

How Breast Reduction Surgery Is Done

Depending on your personal situation, breast reduction surgery can be performed in an outpatient facility or you may have to stay at least one night in the hospital. In either case, you will be given general anesthesia, which means you will be put to sleep for the procedure. It's important to have someone with you who can drive you home and stay with you at least the first night if you're not staying in the hospital.

Breast reduction surgery itself will take about two to five hours, sometimes longer. Your surgeon will make an incision around your nipple, then downward on the breast, in a keyhole form. The excess skin, tissue and fat are removed and your nipple is relocated for cosmetic purposes. Your surgeon may use drainage tubes and the incision site is then stitched up. Your breasts will be wrapped in special gauze. If required, you may also wear a surgical bra.

How To Prepare for Breast Reduction Surgery

You need to be in good physical shape to ensure proper healing, so follow your surgeon's instructions on vitamins you can take before and after breast reduction surgery. Likewise, it's very important to eat well-balanced meals. This is no time for a diet!

During your preoperative consultation, your surgeon will ask about your habits, including whether you smoke or what medications you take. You may have to quit smoking for a period before and after surgery to ensure proper healing.

Likewise, you also may have to cease taking certain medications, such as aspirin or certain anti-inflammatory drugs such as Motrin or Aleve. Your surgeon will instruct you on this.

Before you undergo surgery, you'll need to get your home ready for your recovery. This should include:

  • Plenty of ice
  • Gauze and clean washcloths and towels
  • Loose, comfortable T-shirts and blouses
  • Special ointments or creams as recommended by your surgeon for the incision sites
  • Telephone within reaching distance of your primary rest area
  • Magazines, movies, etc.

Recovery From Breast Reduction Surgery

You will need to take at least one week off from work or school for breast reduction surgery. Some patients require two weeks, but each situation varies. Your surgeon will instruct you on follow-up appointments to remove bandages and stitches.

If you are a physically active person, you will not be able to resume your activity for at least one month after surgery. It's very important that you realize the emotional impact of surgery: a lot of people experience depression, but this is normal! Make sure you communicate with your doctor about all your concerns.

Breast Reduction Surgery Complications and Side Effects

After breast reduction surgery, you should expect to feel tired and have breast pain. This is normal!

Your surgeon will give you an oral painkiller to ease you through the first few days after surgery. You should avoid heavy lifting at all costs.

It's important to note that breast reduction surgery will cause scars as a normal side effect. These scars will fade over time but will never completely disappear. Scars can be made worse if you lift heavy objects prematurely. Though they are rare, some people may experience certain complications such as inadequate healing of the nipple area, which may require a skin graft.

After Breast Reduction Surgery, Contact Your Doctor Immediately:

  • At the first sign of infection, including fever
  • If you have any unusual discharge from the incision site (including pus)
  • If any of the stitches come out before you are due to have them removed

Does Insurance Cover Breast Reduction Surgery?

The good news is yes, in most cases insurance covers breast reduction surgery. Because breast reduction is considered reconstructive, your chances of getting insurance coverage are good. But you must be sure to follow all the procedures set forth by your carrier's policy.

Your surgeon can take photos of your breasts, detailing your physical symptoms caused by enlarged breasts in a letter. But begin communicating early with your carrier and make sure you understand exactly what the carrier will cover, such as lab costs, anesthesiologist fees, etc. This will save you a headache in the long run, when you have more important things to do, like focus on your recovery.

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